[imp] maildomain and list servers

Craig Coles CColes@keylabs.com
Wed, 24 Jul 2002 08:28:39 -0600

I access mail through a URL like 'mail.mydomain.com' and set maildomain in
./config/servers.php to 'mydomain.com' and the smtphost to 'localhost'.
However when mail is sent compose is contacting mail.mydomain.com to send
the mail, and identifies that the mail is ultimately coming from
mail.mydomain.com (not localhost).

When mailing list managers verify email addresses, I think it is trying to
verify the user at user@mail.mydomain.com and not user@mydomain.com, or at
least user@hostname.mydomain.com  What I am seeing is the mail list servers
(not all) will send a message (a reply which goes to user@mydomain.com) that
states that an email address verification email will be sent, however I
don't ever receive one (I think because of the reason I've stated).

How can I force mail to be sent out via the 'localhost' identifier that I
specified, or is there something else that I am forgetting here?

(mailer type is sendmail, I have tried setting mailer.params to use
localhost as the host, however, IMP will always report 'contacting
mail.mydomain.com' to send mail.  And, setting mailer type to SMTP results
in PHP errors during send so I've not tried to much with SMTP.)

Receive mail from this IMP client has the following in the header:

Received: from ([])
	as user me@localhost by mail.mydomain.com with HTTP;
	Wed, 24 Jul 2002 07:30:33 -0600
Message-ID: <1027517433.3d3eabf9667ef@mail.mydomain.com>

Any ideas?

TIA,  -Craig