[imp] Attachments not working.

Jimmy Soh jimmy@cyverasia.net
Fri, 26 Jul 2002 12:44:36 -0400

I also have a very similar setup (as well as a similar problem).

I can upload/attach the attachments without problems and be able to send
the mail fine. The only problem is when the receipient opens the mail 
the file size of the attachment is 0 bytes. This applies to both large 
(8MB) and small files (< 1MB).

My IMP server (separate from my IMAP server):

Horde 2.1, IMP 3.1 (not Turba 1.1 yet)
PHP 4.1.2; Apache 1.3.23

FTP Support: Yes
Gettext Support: Yes
IMAP Support: Yes
LDAP Support: Yes
MCAL Support: No
Mcrypt Support: No
MySQL Support: Yes
PostgreSQL Support: Yes
XML Support: Yes

short_open_tag enabled: Yes
magic_quotes_runtime set to Off: Yes
file_uploads enabled: Yes

PEAR - Yes
Recent PEAR - Yes
Mail::RFC822 - Yes
Log - Yes
DB - Yes
My /etc/php.ini file does have 'file_uploads = On' and 
'upload_max_filesize = 10000000'. 
I've also tried upload_max_filesize = 10M, no difference.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to where else I can look to fix this

Thank you.

James J. Soh

> *Peter Robbins    * 
> probbins@rastardm.com
> /Fri, 26 Jul 2002 09:27:33 -0600/
> We recently installed HORDE/IMP in the following configuration:
> Horde: 2.1
> IMP: 3.1
> Turba: 1.1
> PHP: 4.2.1
> ... with FTP, Gettext,IMAP, MySQL, XML support
> PHP.INI file has http_upload_max directive set to 50MB and file_uploads 
> is ON
> This machine is separate from our mail server. So, it uses sendmail to 
> forward the messages to the mail server.
> All goes well sending and receiving mail until someone tries to send a 
> message from imp with an attachment. (Receiving attachments works ok) We 
> do not get an error message of any kind, or a log entry anywhere that I 
> can find.
> Can someone grab that DUH stick and hit me in the head with it, 'cause 
> I'm sure I'm missing something obvious.
> Thanks