[imp] Folder listing on the left

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu
Thu, 1 Aug 2002 16:01:42 -0500

Quoting Dan Wilson <dan@acucore.com>:

> I know this has been discussed before

And answered to some extent.

> but I was wondering if someone had a 
> patch or documentation for me to have the folder listing on the left.

See the list archives for IMPMP by Atif Ghaffar <aghaffar@developer.ch>
It worked for IMP 3.0, and I *think* it worked for IMP 3.1 but not sure.

> I'm getting more and more users requesting that feature.

I'm about to remove it from my site, since no one uses it.  ;)  
User's vary by site/background ;)

> -Dan

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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