[imp] Folder listing on the left

Chris Scott chris@hostorlando.tv
Thu, 1 Aug 2002 17:22:33 -0400

Quoting Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu>:

> Quoting Dan Wilson <dan@acucore.com>:
> > I know this has been discussed before
> And answered to some extent.
> > but I was wondering if someone had a 
> > patch or documentation for me to have the folder listing on the left.
> See the list archives for IMPMP by Atif Ghaffar <aghaffar@developer.ch>
> It worked for IMP 3.0, and I *think* it worked for IMP 3.1 but not sure.

Here's what I found a few days ago--looks to be what you are referring to:

I do know that the patches didn't work cleanly for me against 3.1--about 
three or so needed to be patched by hand.  Wish I could say I had it 
working but I gave up after an hour.  I'll revisit it soon and if I get it 
to work, get patches ready.

Chris Scott
Host Orlando, Inc.