[imp] Filtercode (HEAD) is killing existing filterdefinitions!

Jeff Tucker jefft@wciatl.com
Mon, 12 Aug 2002 22:05:40 -0400

--On Tuesday, August 06, 2002 3:58 PM -0600 Michael M Slusarz 
<slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu> wrote:

> Final note: it appears that when you register a function for shutdown,
> PHP  essentially "compiles" the function at that instant and will use
> that "compiled" function later.  Thus, if there is a class variable
> inside  of that function, that variable will be used as it appears at the
> time the  function is registered.  This appeared to be the problem in
> this case.
> Workaround: see my latest commit for Filter.php;  Namely, don't use a
> class  variable in the called shutdown function - use a "wrapper"
> function instead.
> michael

If this latest commit is in CVS HEAD, then I think it still doesn't work.

I have two horde/imp systems, one which was last synced to CVS HEAD around 
3 months ago, one which was synced last night. I can switch back and forth 
between them easily to test this.

Tonight I deleted all filters manually from my database. Then I logged in 
to the old IMP and added three filters. One was a Subject-based filter, 
then other to were To-based. All three moved to individual folders.

Before I logged in to the new system, my filters entry looked like this in 
the database:

I know, a big mess. Hopefully it means something to you.

I logged out of the old system and logged in to the new, again CVS HEAD 
from last night. After I logged in, I looked and confirmed that I only had 
a single filter entry in my filters list. The database now looks like this:

I'll be glad to help out or test in any way I can. Any ideas?


Jeff Tucker
Williams Consulting, Inc.