[imp] 2 windows, 2 different accounts - no joy

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 09:27:12 -0400

Quoting barry <Barry.Haycock@b-online.com.au>:

> i have setup
> horde-2.1-rc1
> imp-3.1-rc1
> turba-1.1-rc1
> apache1.3.23
> mysql-3.23.49
> php-4.1.2

First of all, you shouldn't expect too much when you post a query like this 
beyond "update your versions"; please don't expect people to go digging 
through outdated code when something may have been fixed in a final release.

> if a person opens to browser windows and logs into 2 different email
> accounts one of the accounts will after the user does anything display 
> all of the contents of the second window. and nothing can be done to get 
> it back. It appears that horde/imp doesnt have session management and 
> just displays one account on both browser windows.

Actually, you simply misunderstand how sessions _work_. If you disable 
cookies in your browser, this will work fine. If you use two different 
browsers, this will work fine; if you tell your browser (somehow; some let 
you, some don't) to stop sharing cookies between windows, this will work 

But, if, as is the case for you, your browser windows share cookies, Horde 
will only _see_ one session between the two windows, so of course it will 
send the same thing to both.


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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