[imp] updating to latest IMP question

Bjørn Ove Grøtan bjorn.grotan@itea.ntnu.no
Fri, 16 Aug 2002 00:45:20 +0200

Hanser, Kevin:
> I have been running one of the pre-release versions of IMP 3.1 for a few
> months now.  I'd like to get it updated to the latest 3.1 that is now
> available.  However, I don't want to lose all my configuration that I've
> done.  What's the best way for me to update to the new version?

diff thisconffile.php.dist myupdatedconffile.php > conffile.diff 
and so on and so forth...

Then use 'patch' to patch the new conffiles, or just use the .diff-file
to see where you have made changes from the .dist-file and make
changes accordingly.

Best regards

Bjørn Ove Grøtan
Norwegian University of Technology & Science

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