[imp] (no subject)
Liam Hoekenga
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 08:11:58 -0400 (EDT)
Loring -
We hacked that "Advanced options: Turn of Page Compression" preference
into IMP, as I was unwilling to turn off compression on a site wide basis
because a manager three levels above me got garbage on his screen when he
used the "back" button in his browser.
The first thing to do would be turn off "compress_pages", which is a site
wide preference in horde/config/horde.php (or horde/config/conf.php, if
you're using the HEAD version), and see if the garbage goes away.
On Tue, 20 Aug 2002 loring@warex.net wrote:
> Platform:
> Windows XP Professional
> Apache 2.0.39
> PHP 4.2.2
> Horde 2.1
> IMP 3.1
> Aspell .33.5
> MySQL 3.23.52
> using IE 6
> Everything has been working great, up until yesterday. Suddenly, the comp=
> window is broken: there are several lines of garbage at the top of the wi=
> It looks something like this:
> S@EVICE\TCPIP_{C9CC24FE-FB3C-4C02-A312-427D=
89851272} Lx
> (T0\ 8d=
> yT@\*OThr0=
> NMN0M^O$Q=
> P@H|O|OOO$=
> This fills up about half the window. This is followed by the "Message
> Composition" banner, the "Send", "Save" and "Cancel" buttons, and the "Fr=
> and "To" fields. The rest of the fields do not appear. Similar results wh=
> replying.
> As a temporary workaround, I can leave the "To" field blank and click
> the "Send" button; this gives me an error ("You must have at least one
> recipient"), but the compose window then displays properly.
> "View source" on a garbled page returns what looks to be normal code unti=
l the
> bottom of the page, where I get:
> <td align="right"><a href="" onclick="open_help_win('imp', 'com=
> return false;" onmouseout="window.status='';"
> onmouseover="window.status='Help'; return true;"><img
> src="/horde/graphics/help.gif" border="0" alt="Help" width="12" h=
> title="Help" /></a></td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> </td>
> </tr>
> S @E V I C E \ T C P I P _ { C 9 C C=
2 4 F E - F B 3 C - 4 C
> 0 2 - A 3 1 2 - 4 2 7 D 8 9 8 5 1 2 7 2 }
> L
> x
> This goes on for another 20-30 lines.
> I'm not sure what happened. The only thing I did around the time this sta=
> was apply a theme downloaded from horde.org. I tried removing the modifie=
> html.php and replacing it with the distribution copy, but the problem rem=
> I searched the archived lists on MARC with no success. A search of the we=
> turned up a page at the University of Michigan
> (http://www.itd.umich.edu/itddoc/s/s4297/s4297B.html, see bottom) describ=
ing a
> similar problem; their fix is to uncheck the "Compress pages" checkbox
> in "Advanced Options". Problem is, I don't have an "Advanced Options" opt=
> Does anyone have any thoughts? I can certainly reinstall everything, but =
> like to avoid that.
> Thanks for any help!
> Loring Rose
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