[imp] SMIME

Mike Cochrane mike@graftonhall.co.nz
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 08:23:23 +1200

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu>:

> Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck@horde.org>:
> | Quoting "Stephen A. Cochran" <stephen.a.cochran.lists@cahir.net>:
> |
> | > Well, we have  PKI team here with grant money to do cool things, and
> | > they've been playing with SMIME a lot lately. They are probably
> | > interested in getting that working, so any info would be appreciated.
> |
> | Cool - I don't know the details, but hopefully Michael, who did the PGP
> | implementation, can lay out what would need to be done and where to do
> | it...
> Essentially you need to write a MIME_Viewer driver (most likely an
> MIME_Viewer_imp driver) to handle the specific protocol.  Horde contains a
> smime MIME_Viewer that does the appropriate wrapping based on the content
> of the MIME Part's "protocol" parameter - for example, if the protocol
> is "application/pgp-*", processing gets handed off to the PGP viewer (which
> does the appropriate RFC 2015 stuff necessary to process the part).

I started implementing this a couple of weeks ago using openssl. I'll drag in
out and clean it up a bit and commit it into HEAD in a couple of days. At the
moment all it does is verifies signed messages, but that's a start. 

If _everyone_ out the with SMIME can send me (privatly) some test messags that
would be great as i don't have many to work with. signed, encypted,
signed/encypted etc...

- Mike :-)

> Depending on what protocol you desire to implement, Horde_Crypt:: (see
> lib/Crypt.php) may come in useful.
> michael
> ______________________________________________
> Michael Slusarz [slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu]
> The University of Colorado at Boulder
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