[imp] soft failure of database for preference?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Mon, 26 Aug 2002 01:55:06 -0400

Quoting Sheeri Kritzer <sheeri.kritzer@tufts.edu>:

> so, we have this spiffy production webmail server, and a spiffy production
> mysql server.  The problem is that if the mysql server goes down, webmail
> just breaks.  Is there something we can implement so if the mysql server 
> goes down and someone is logged in, they just have no preferences?  (or 
> is that what happens already?)

If someone is already logged in, their preferences are cached, so there 
shouldn't be a problem.

We can look at changing things so that new logins just get default 
preferences, though this may be confusing/undesirable for some sites and 
it'd be hard to agree on a general UI for "the preferences server is down 
right now".


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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