[imp] cisco ip aliasing [OT]

Miroslaw Jaworski mjaw@ipartners.pl
Thu, 29 Aug 2002 14:39:23 +0200

* lito lampitoc (ral@codewan.com.ph) [020829 14:12] wrote:
> Sorry if this is an off-topic,but im just getting desperate.
> how do you create a new or virtual interface in a cisco 2500 series
> router?
> i want to create that interface so I can route packets to other network
> on the same hub. Since I only have a single ethernet interface (eth0)
> doing a: 
> #int e 1 

You want the same intreface to have two ip addresses 
( you say "[...] the same hub [...]" )?

Simply configure another IP on the same interface:

conf t
# int e0
# ip address x.x.x.x x.x.x.x secondary

You can have many "aliases" on the same interface ( dont know the limit )



Miroslaw.Jaworski@ipartners.pl  ( Psyborg )  MJ102-RIPE  Internet Partners
Server Administration Department Manager