[imp] Languages not changing.

Rodolfo Gonzalez rodolfo@equinoxe.g-networks.net
Thu, 29 Aug 2002 23:05:35 -0500 (CDT)

On Thu, 29 Aug 2002, Eli wrote:

> I don't think that solves everyone's problem, since I know for a fact
> PHP, but I do have iconv support in PHP.

Hmm, iconv? but you only need gettext to get it running.

> The languages don't change at all for me, regardless if I select it at
> the login, or in my prefs.  Someone mentioned having to rebuild the
> language files or something, but the command looked like it was a
> generic system command, nothing to do with IMP.

Hmm, the glibc's locales have a lot to do (just because after 
installing them I got IMP working correctly ;) ). So, yes, you need those 
locale definitions in /usr/share/i18n and /usr/share/locale.
