[imp] Still the language problem...

Kenjiro Tanaka kenjiro@brturbo.com
Tue, 3 Sep 2002 09:11:17 -0300

> Can you restart your problem more precisely?  Your first statement was
> mis-leading as to what the problem was, so we all assumed a generic
> (system-wide) gettext problem. Now we can see that is not really the ca=
> So we need some more info.  Like is this happening on the login page, o=
> after login, or both?  Because Horde/IMP acts differently in these case=
> (login screen doesn't use preferences, after login it does, etc).

	No problem, Eric.

	Let's go then:

	I installed IMP 3.1, Horde 2.1 and Turba 1.1 (all in TAR.GZ format) on a 
Server (running Red Hat 7.3). OK so far!

	I configured IMP and Horde to be in Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) AND locked 
the language. Plus, the webmail is set to ask the login once (IMP).


	I access the webmail on my workstation (running Slackware 8.1 (full english), 
Mozilla 1.1 (full english) and Konqueror 3.0.1(full english)). The users 
access it with their Windows NT (Brazilian Portuguese) and Internet Explorer 
(Brazilian Portuguese).

	When I use Mozilla, the first login screen (IMP) appears in English, and 
after the login... the webmail is in pt_BR. OK! Then I logout... and the 
login screen is in pt_BR too.

	When I use Konqueror the webmail is all in English (login screen and the 

	When the users access it... the same thing as my Konqueror "experience".

	So... why does it work for me, running Mozilla and not for everyone else? 
(even me running Konqueror). Is my Mozilla a SuperBrowser which translate the 
pages for me? *LOL*

	I even got the config files from a friend (his server is running SUSE and his 
webmail is working 100% with the pt_BR). I backed up my files and installed 
his. No way! The same problem!

	What am I doing wrong? What have I missed? Or is that darn Red Hat Server the 
one to blame?

	If you need any more info, please ask me.

	Thanks for your patience guys and girls.



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There is no Passion, there is Serenity
There is no Death, there is the Force