[imp] Running HEAD and production side-by-side...
Eric Rostetter
Fri, 6 Sep 2002 10:49:22 -0500
Quoting Jan Kuipers <jrkuipers@lauwerscollege.nl>:
> Citeren Rick Emery <rick@emery.2y.net>:
> > Is anybody doing this now, and if so what advice can you offer?
> I do. When using Apache, you only have to create some (name-based) virtual
> servers and point those to the directory (Horde version) you want to use for
> that server. You must also update your DNS with the new servername(s).
I run 3-4 versions side-by-side, without virtual hosts. The only
"side effect" is that they all share the same session/cookies. So if
I'm logged into one on a browser, then I'm logged into all of them in
that browser ;)
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
"TAD (Technology Attachment Disorder) is an unshakable, impractical devotion
to a brand, platform, product line, or programming language. It's relatively
harmless among the rank and file, but when management is afflicted the damage
can be measured in dollars. It's also contagious -- someone with sufficient
political clout can infect an entire organization."
--"Enterprise Strategies" columnist Tom Yager.