[imp] HTML email w/style sheet can't display correctly

Sérgio Domingues Nunes sdn@trf4.gov.br
Mon, 9 Sep 2002 19:19:29 -0300

Hi all,

I am using Horde 2.0 and IMP 3.0 and I have already set the
display inline html = true, but the problem is the html email
with "style sheets" can't display correctly, but those email
can display without problem from outlook express or hotmail.

Thank you very much for any help.

| Sérgio Domingues Nunes        |       ____  ___    _  __  |
| Tribunal Regional Federal 4R  |      / __/ / _ \  / \/ /  |
| Diretoria de Informática      |     _\ \  / // / /    /   |
| Secretaria Rec. Tecnológicos  |    /___/ /____/ /_/\_/    |
| Fone: +55 (51) 3323-8514      |                           |
|                               |     Linux user #52708     |

TRIBUNAL REGIONAL FEDERAL 4R: http://www.trf4.gov.br