[imp] from_addr hook

Tim Gorter email@teletechnics.com
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 12:52:16 +0000

Trying to get the hook system to work in head.

following on from included instructions, it does not seem to work, so if 
someone can point me in the right direction, much appreciated.

if (!function_exists('_prefs_hook_signature')) {
in hooks.php

to activate it
For preferences, set 'hook' => true in that preferences attributes

I go to imp/config/prefs.php and add
// user preferred email address for From: line
$_prefs['from_addr'] = array(
    'value' => '',
    'locked' => false,
    'shared' => true,
    'type' => 'implicit',
    'hook' => true

but nothing happens, I made sure there was no entry in the database for the 
user. To tell you the truth I checked imp/lib/Identities/imp.php and cannot see 
any check for hooks there either.

help appreciated,