[imp] X-Priority header support

Michael M Slusarz slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu
Tue, 17 Sep 2002 14:01:35 -0600

Quoting Rodolfo Segleau <segleaur@mechanus.org>:

| Outlook will pick it
| up, but the IMP message summary interface will not (even though when you
| take a
| look at the message itself, you can see the priority set). IIRC, IMP has
| the
| feature of marking messages important or not in the message summary view,
| but I
| don't believe the code has been modified to support it automatically in
| the
| message summary view.

This has not been implemented because it is too much of a resource hog.  
You must separate the two cases:

1.) The IMAP "Important" flag - This is completely independent of what an 
individual messages' X-Priority header is set to.  This is simply a flag 
set for individual messages by the user, program, etc.  This is what is 
seen on the summary page.

2.) The "X-Priority" Header - This is what is seen on the message page; it 
corresponds to whatever set the priority has.  This is _not_ implemented on 
the summary screen because it would require the software to parse *every* 
header of *every* message displayed on the summary screen.

However, if some kind of message caching code is implemented (on my TODO 
list; it is why I moved all mailbox handling functions to IMP_Mailbox:: in 
the first place...) this could potentially be feasible.  Especially since 
filtering by "non-standard" headers requires that every message be 
processed - if there was a way to tie that in to priority header checking, 
this would lessen the performance issues.  However, I don't have the time 
right now to implement this so if you want to see this caching 
functionality, write it yourself and please submit the patch to us :)


Michael Slusarz [slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder