[imp] Errors in loging into Imp.

robert sand rsand@d.umn.edu
Wed, 18 Sep 2002 08:18:49 -0500

The cookie path didn't chage anything.  If I knew what part of horde or imp was 
causing the segmentation fault I would fix it but nothing is reporting any 
porblems.  The /tmp/horde.log file is empty even though I have the level all the 
way down to debug.

Eric Rostetter wrote:

> Quoting robert sand <rsand@d.umn.edu>:
>>Thanks I no longer get the message about username and password.  I do get a
>>session timeout though. The error message is :
>>"Your Mail session has expired. Please log in again."
> Most likely your cookie path isn't set right.
>>I am using the path of httpd://webserver/horde/imp to log into imp.  I have
> You'll need to set your cookie paths (session.cookie_path in php.ini, and/or
> $conf['cookie']['path'] in horde/config/horde.php (aka. conf.php in newer
> versions).  If you don't know what to set them to, I suggest setting them
> to "/" (your whole site).
>>logout. I have noticed in the web errorlog that child processes are seg
> That is a very bad thing! :(  You should try to find out exactly why that
> is happening.

Robert Sand.
University of Minnesota, Duluth
Information Technology Systems and Services
144 MWAH
218-726-6122        fax 218-726-7674

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  Walk beside me and we walk together"  UTE Tribal proverb.