[imp] Sub folders in IMP 3.0 create but don't appear
Scott McDermott
Tue, 24 Sep 2002 00:18:25 -0400
Russell Best on Fri 20/09 20:56 +1200:
> I am having trouble using IMP folders, if I create a sub-folder from
> the folders view I get a message saying "folder/sub-folder was created
> sucessfully". But when the folders view refreshes I can't see the
> sub-folder or access it. If I look in my home directory I can see the
> sub-folders in the correct places.
does the on-disk subfolder use a subdirectory or a longer filepath
separated by a dot? Is the IMAP server Courier?
if this is the case, I have the same problem, but I have not yet figured
out how to fix it. It has to be a server problem (and not IMP) because
it's the server's job to map the IMAP namespace to the filesystem.