[imp] Pasting mutiple addresses in recipient fields?

Ryan Gallagher ryan@studiesabroad.com
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 15:18:19 -0500

This question has come up several times from our users.

Paste several addresses in the TO: field (for example) from sources such as a
copied column in Excel or OOo Calc.

I know that the default delimiter in IMP is ',' however copying addresses in
this manner fills the clipboard with a list separated by a newline (or a windows
equivalent).  Attempting to paste them into IMP results in the loss of all but
the first one.

Does anyone have an elegant solution for this?  It's a pretty standard way of
populating a TO field when the addresses aren't of the type that could be found
easily in the Turba contacts.  I'm looking for a _user_ solution... not a
power-user workaround. ;)

My sentiment is that the various to, cc, bcc etc should be a 1 row height
<textarea> instead of the text field they are in v3.1.  And IMP should accept
both commas and newlines as delimiters.  But I hesitate to hack IMP and deviate
our source from the project source.

We are trying to ditch outlook completely and enforce IMP as the office client
of preference, but issues like this one are causing holdouts with a few of our

Any thoughts? Workarounds?

Ryan T. Gallagher
International Studies Abroad