[imp] frames patch

Ryan Gallagher ryan@studiesabroad.com
Tue, 1 Oct 2002 00:05:12 -0600

Quoting Syahrul Sazli Shaharir <sazli@myjaring.net>:

> Memetik/Petikan Alain Williams <addw@phcomp.co.uk>:
> > I am using the frames patch that was done by
> aghaffar@developer.ch.
> > The users like it.
> I use the same patch and get mixed reactions from users: some don't
> like
> the clutter. So I ended up making it a prefs configurable item.
> > I would like to see this accepted as being a standard part of IMP.
> > My motovation for this is to not have to upgrade & then patch to
> use
> > it.
> I second the suggestion, provided it being a prefs option and not
> enabled
> by default.

I would 3rd it, based purely on the fact that we simply cannot get our
Outlook-office-drones to accept web-based email without a folder view
being part of the main workspace. 

We will be using the patch and maintaining diffs if we have to, but we'd
much rather see it supported along with the releases.

> > There are a few small problems with it, mainly in areas of the
> code
> > that are not much used. These issues would probably be resolved
> quite
> > quickly once it was mainstream.
> I have fixed some of these myself, and glad to pass them to a
> maintainer
> (perhaps we should hear from aghaffar@developer.ch on this?).

please share your patches to the patches ;)

Ryan T. Gallagher
International Studies Abroad