[imp] session does not timeout

Jonathan Giles jong@clinedavis.com
Wed, 02 Oct 2002 18:01:07 -0400

I looked all over the faq and lists for this one and couldn't find it.

I am trying to force a timeout for imp sessions, and the usual ways
don't seem to work.

In the older imp, it was done in the local.inc if I remember correctly,
but there is none around the new version as best as I see.

On this list, a few different things were mentioned to be found in the
php.ini file.

I went to http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.session.php for info on each

I found that session.gc_maxlifetime would do it for me, if it worked.  I
set it to something really small, 60 seconds, so I can see the results.
I restarted the apache server.  I would think that after the 60secs, the
session file would be removed.  No such thing happens, and the session
stays open even after the 60 secs.

I also tried session.cookie_lifetime as well, but that didn't work

BTW I have set the session file to be written to /var/www/tmp, which
I created to keep session cookies from intruders as best as I can.

Is there something in horde/imp that overides these values, or maybe I
need to turn something else on or off in php.ini?

Any help would be really appreciated!


Jon Giles