[imp] session does not timeout
Mike Cochrane
Thu, 3 Oct 2002 12:26:13 +1200
>From what you're describing here, it doesn't sound like you're testing in a way
that would allow the garbage collector to run....
The gc doesn't run every request to php, that's over kill... instead it has a
probability set in php.ini... if you're not getting many requests to your server
then it's not going to get run very often and the session aren't going to get
timed out...
if your server is under higher load then the gc is going to run more often and
timeout the sessions, or if you incread the probability in php.ini the same
result will happen.
if it's just you prodding you're server, it's not likely that the gc would have run.
- Mike :-)
> ----- Message from jong@clinedavis.com ---------
> I looked all over the faq and lists for this one and couldn't find it.
> I am trying to force a timeout for imp sessions, and the usual ways
> don't seem to work.
> In the older imp, it was done in the local.inc if I remember correctly,
> but there is none around the new version as best as I see.
> On this list, a few different things were mentioned to be found in the
> php.ini file.
> I went to http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.session.php for info on each
> value.
> I found that session.gc_maxlifetime would do it for me, if it worked. I
> set it to something really small, 60 seconds, so I can see the results.
> I restarted the apache server. I would think that after the 60secs, the
> session file would be removed. No such thing happens, and the session
> stays open even after the 60 secs.
> I also tried session.cookie_lifetime as well, but that didn't work
> either.
> BTW I have set the session file to be written to /var/www/tmp, which
> I created to keep session cookies from intruders as best as I can.
> Is there something in horde/imp that overides these values, or maybe I
> need to turn something else on or off in php.ini?
> Any help would be really appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Jon Giles
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> ----- End message from jong@clinedavis.com -----