[imp] Last Login not displaying...

Michael M Slusarz slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu
Wed Oct 23 19:38:47 2002

Quoting Tim Meader <tmeader@cne-odin.gsfc.nasa.gov>:

| All previous accounts that were created 2-4 months ago, it's still
| working
| fine, but all the new ones aren't showing Last Login when you sign in.
| this
| is the Last Login block from my prefs.php file:
| // last login time of user
| // a value of 0 = no, 1 = yes
| $_prefs['last_login'] = array(
|      'value' => 1,
|      'locked' => true,
|      'shared' => false,
|      'type' => 'implicit'
| );

You have an older version of IMP with a typo.  Set 'value' to 0 
and 'locked' to false.  This is the value of the last login time. 
show_last_login is the pref that determines whether the login is shown or 
not. (*it * should be set to value 1 and locked, not 'last_login').


Michael Slusarz [slusarz@bigworm.colorado.edu]
The University of Colorado at Boulder