[imp] serious mysql or imap problems on a imp server
Eric Rostetter
Wed Oct 23 23:10:30 2002
Quoting Didi Rieder <adrieder@sbox.tugraz.at>:
> Hi, I was curious about the performance of the imapproxy and tested it on our
> system. Unfortunately IMP is up to 3 times slower with the proxy. So my
> question is: Is this normal, or do I have to set some special options in
> the settings?
That is not normal. The only reason I can see it slowing down is if
it is retrying logins (say, trying with multiple authentication types
like cram-md5, ssl, plaintext, etc) and failing on the first several
before arriving at a working method. Otherwise, I would expect imapproxy
to be at least as fast as normal logins.
> Thanks
> Didi
Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin
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