[imp] Deleting emails with POP

Alberto Martín de los Santos de las Alberto Martín de los Santos de las
Tue Nov 5 16:32:57 2002

> Below will remove addressbook from the menu(database or not I think):
> The older 3.0/3.1  version requires you edit the /imp/config/conf.php file:
>  change 
>  $conf['menu']['apps'] = array('turba');
>  to
>  //$conf['menu']['apps'] = array('turba');
> To get rid of the delete button, replace the attached actions.inc file in 
> the /horde/imp/templates/mailbox folder. rename your old action.inc just in 
> case it doesn't work for ya'.  It works on mine--I got rid of the blacklist 
> button.  The attached file removes the delete button as well.  Let me know if 
> it works.
> Nate

	Thank Nate, it did work. I did the comments on my own, not only on that 
file, but also on the ..../templates/message/navbar.inc file. It's good 

	I'll keep on working with the Address Book button in the compose 
message window.

   Alberto Martín de los Santos de las Heras
        SGI Soluciones Globales Internet
   alms@sgi.es                    www.sgi.es
              +34 91 806 16 00

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