[imp] roblem with viewing emails

Dalini dalini@datenschleuder.org
Wed Nov 6 01:24:26 2002

hi there, i got everything running except one littel thing:

imp doesn't show me my emails - the overview message at horde startup 
screen shows the correct number of unread emails - if i select the inbox or 
any other folder (which are all correct shown) - than i cant see any email 
- except the oldest 7 in this mailbox - it says 1 to 7 of 7 messages - but 
there are more in the box...

so whats wrong - any hints?

i use horde 2.1 and imp 3.1
php 4.2.3, cyrus imapd

.:: You 've read it; you can't unread it ::.

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