[imp] Re: Folders OK in clients other than IMP

Sergey sergeyli@pisem.net
Mon Nov 11 18:59:51 2002


Here's some relevant information. I'm running todays HEAD of Horde and 
IMP, PHP 4.3.0-pre2, and UW-IMAP 2002.RC10. After reading servers.php 
help, I can see that in my case $servers['imap']['folders'] must 
actually be empty string (.imap/ is the physical path inside a home 
folder), but whenever I set it to '', Apache2 child process segfaults 
when I click on INBOX. When I set it to '/' just for giggles, it brought 
httpd process to 99% CPU utilization and kept it there for minutes until 
I killed it, so don't try this at home. Setting 
$servers['imap']['folders'] to '.' or 'INBOX' or 'INBOX.' produces 
correct INBOX folder, but no other folders. The following message shows 
up after I log in:

Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The first 
argument should be either a string or an integer in 
/usr/share/horde/imp/lib/Tree.php on line 395

I will try to look into Tree.php's code to see why these things happen. 
Any feedback appreciated :-)!


Sergey wrote:
> Hi!
> I've read http://www.horde.org/faq/admin/trouble/index.php#t25 (users 
> can see no folders besides INBOX) which is my issue exactly, and made 
> sure that:
> a) $conf['user']['allow_folders'] is true;
> b) subscription in enabled (I can see subscription-related controls in 
> Folders view)
> c) $servers['imap']['folders'] is set to '.imap/' (yes, with a dot) 
> which is the setting I compiled UW-IMAP with;
> d) setting namespace to 'INBOX.' and clearing 'folders' makes things 
> worse -- attempt to access INBOX fails with something like "document 
> contains no data";
> e) I can access my folders directly in ~/.imap/* and I can access them 
> through Mozilla Mail's IMAP account.
> There are still no folders under or next to INBOX, although I do have 
> five of them. Clicking on 'Show unsubscribed' or 'Expand all' shows the 
> same single INBOX. The only thing that I think may be the problem is 
> that 'prefs' mechanism is disabled right now, though I plan to enable it 
> using OpenLDAP as a storage.
> Thank you!
> Sergey.

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