[imp] Login Problems user =???

Nabil Hanke Nabil@mechageddon.com
Tue Nov 19 02:10:56 2002

newbie shpiel: I have only used linux for a short time, i'm learning, and have 
been racking my head on what should be simple things. i have tried lurking 
the archive to no avail... bla bla bla...

to the point:
Horde-2.1 (from gz)
imp-3.1 (from gz)
php-imap-4.1.2-7 (from rh7.3-cd rpm)
php-mysql-4.1.2-7 (from rh7.3-cd rpm)
php-4.1.2-7 (from rh7.3-cd rpm)
php-devel-4.1.2-7 (from rh7.3-cd rpm)
php-dbg-4.1.2-7 (from rh7.3-cd rpm)
imap-2000c-15 (from rpmfind.net rpm) [cd's imap rpm incompatible - 2001a]
kmail-3.0.0-4 (from rh7.3-cd rpm)

I can connect to the pop3 server with kmail both locally, and on separate 
machine on lan, as well as through sprintpcs.com's pop access.  Kmail reports 
that the pop3 server supports TLS/LOGIN.

I cannot connect to the IMAP locally or remote with Kmail.  No error msg's in 
kmail.  maillog indicates "command stream end of file, while reading line 
user =??? host=localhost.localdomain"

Horde is configured to authenticate through IMP. Login fails every time. 
maillog indicates "user =???" each time on both imap and pop3. in my 
servers.php, i have tried:

I also recieve the same results when using the 
http://demo.horde.org/stable/horde/imp/login.php with all the available 
options.  The same user =??? is placed into the maillog.

Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated.

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