[imp] Large number of folders i.e. 70 hangs times out

Malcolm Turnbull Malcolm.Turnbull@crocus.co.uk
Tue Nov 19 14:16:10 2002


First thanks for a great product. My users are very happy after moving 
away from the Web Client on Exchange 5.5.

And a couple of tips from my experience with Exchange 5.5 as backend

in imp/config/servers.php
make sure folders = INBOX (Otherwise login can be dead slow)

Make sure Apche knows what its own name is ! Otherwise external users 
get re-mapped to the default internal IP address.

In Turba/config/sources.php I used :

'root' => 'cn=Recipients,ou=CROCUS,o=Crocus.co.uk Ltd',
'objectclass' => '*',

Not sure if its correct but it works.

But on to my Question :

My account has about 70 sub folders in INBOX, they all appear in the 
drop down list and I can access them, The search page also displays them 
all correctly...
But when I click on the folders icon the server seems to get hammered 
and the web client eventualy times out...

Any idea what might be causing the problem ?

Ps. Are there any cross platform Calender / Address Books solutions
preferably something that would work in Mozilla client as well as Horde
I'm assuming :
ical : for the calender
LDAP : for the editable address book

Has anyone got that kind of thing working i.e. Exchange replacement.

Malcolm Turnbull

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