[imp] Colors and Language

Gentil de Bortoli Júnior listas@bortoli.com.br
Mon Nov 25 13:33:50 2002

Hi, All!
	For those people who got a problem with IMP reading some kind of messages that 
generates a continuous loading process, a update of IMAP *client* to the last 
version can solve...
	Well, now I have another problem. After update my Apache, PHP and IMAP 
respectively to 4.0.43, 4.2.3 and 2002 versions, my IMP simply had your colors 
and language changed to defaults again. If I start my old Apache and PHP (2.0.39 
- 4.2.2), the colors and language appears to be unchanged. The alteration ocurrs 
only with new Apache and PHP. Both Apaches points to the same DocumentRoot. In 
another words, to the same IMP code.

Can somebody tell me what happens?

[ ]'s

Gentil de Bortoli Junior

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