[imp] IMP, Quotas, Courier-IMAP and LDAP

Brian Clark bclark@protocolusa.com
Tue Nov 26 00:06:21 2002


I am trying to get IMP up and running. I'd really like to dump 
Squirrelmail and use IMP. However, I am having problems getting the 
display quota feature of IMP working. I am using IMP 3.1 along with 
Qmail-LDAP, Courier-IMAP 1.5.3, OpenLDAP 2.0.23.  I know that I have 
working quota functionality in Courier-IMAP as I can get the quota 
display widget to work in Squirrelmail.

I am using the modified Quota script by Tjeerd van der Zee 
See this URL for more info.

Whenever I login to IMP, I get these two error messages:
Warning: Undefined variable: homedir in 
/var/www/html/horde/imp/config/conf.php on line 406
Warning: stat failed for /Maildir/maildirsize (errno=13 - Permission 
denied) in /var/www/html/horde/imp/config/conf.php on line 407

The relevant lines of my conf.php file look like this. Note that the 
line that starts $homedir = $homedir is line 406. It looks to me like 
$homedir is defined just a few lines above that in the @$homedir=$info 

   if ($ds) {
    $sr=ldap_search($ds,"dc=protocolusa,dc=com", "mail=$imapuser");
    $info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr);
    for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"]; $i++) {
    } ldap_close($ds);

     // check for the maildirsize file.
   $homedir = $homedir . "/Maildir/maildirsize";

Can anyone help?


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