[imp] IMP, Quotas, Courier-IMAP and LDAP

Brian Clark bclark@protocolusa.com
Wed Nov 27 19:04:50 2002

Thanks. Removing the message count (the 5000C) part of the quota cleared 
up the problem. Now I have to figure out how to do that for 2,000 users!


Syahrul Sazli Shaharir wrote:

>On Tue, 26 Nov 2002 bclark@protocolusa.com wrote:
>>Thanks for the advice. I went back to the original code as you suggested
>>and it does work. However, it displays incorrect quota information. I
>>even deleted the maildirsize file in my home directory so that qmail
>>would create a new one just to make sure it was "clean". As you can see
>>in my maildirsize file, I have a maildir quota of approx. 900MB (the
>>900000000S number) and 5,000 messages (the 5000C number). However, the
>>quota that IMP displays looks like this:
>>1.59MB / 4.88MB (32.50%)
>>It looks to me like IMP is reading the 5000C as the maildir size quota
>>rather than the message count quota as it should.
>I think this is due to broken imap_get_quota() function (See
>http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imap-get-quota.php ), which was
>not fixed until latest php CVS/4.3.
>So you can either try php-cvs/4.3 and change imp_show_quota as
>demonstrated in php manual above, or don't impose quota on message count
>for now (remove ,5000C in quota limit) - just mailbox size, then it should
>cd /open/source; make world
>Key fingerprint = 0776 CC02 2C3F C0FF 7312  0C3E 0593 AF64 06D4 113E

Brian Clark
Vice President, Corporate Technology
Protocol Communications, Inc.
1751 Lake Cook Rd. Suite 400
Deerfield, Illinois 60015
T 847-236-3414
F 847-236-3401

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