[imp] How do I setup a quota meter on the IMP page?

bclark@protocolusa.com bclark@protocolusa.com
Fri Nov 29 17:42:57 2002

Don't forget to change this line in /imp/config/conf.php

$conf['hooks']['quota'] = 'imp_show_quota';

By default, imp_show_quota is not there. You have to insert this text yourself.
I forgot to do this the first time I tried to set this up.

When I set this up, all I did was to uncomment the lines that say "use these
lines for courier-imap, to comment out the lines these replaced, and it worked.


Quoting eculp@encontacto.net:

> Quoting "Jorge Frater B." <jfrater@fratec.com>:
>  | 
>  | Hi:
>  | 
>  | I have a working IMP with Qmail and Courier IMAP.
>  | 
>  | I saw in the /imp/config/conf.php file a part to activate the quota
> usage
>  | but it has no effect on how the main IMP page displays.
>  | 
>  | Has anyone set that up that could tell me the steps to follow?
> I haven't used this version for sometime and the HEAD version has been
> changed and isn't using hooks for quota anymore.
> First you need to be sure that courier is set up properly and that your
> maildirsize files are being created.  Then, IIRC, you just need to add
> the hook.  Something like the attached file in your 
> horde/imp/config/conf.php
> I hope this helps.
> ed
> -------------------------------------------------

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