[imp] Re: Horde/IMP HEAD Problem!

Klavs Klavsen kl@vsen.dk
Sat Nov 30 13:29:33 2002

On Sat, 30 Nov 2002 00:44:15 -0700 (MST)
Devin Atencio <dreamboy@aros.net> wrote:

> DOM XML Support: No
> LDAP Support: No
> MCAL Support: No
> Mcrypt Support: No

You need atleast mcal and mcrypt support, if you want proper security,
and be able to work properly with calendars (as far as I know - perhaps
it's enough with the MySQL - if you don't want to save your calendar
in a local file?)

you should recompile your php with support for these things.

> PostgreSQL Support: No
if you are going to use mysql, then this is no problem :-)

> File_CSV - No

You get it  by downloading the Pear - File package - if you had searched
the mailinglist before, asking you would find links to this.

the direct link to the file package is here:


list of all packages:


Notice, that you might need to get the newest PEAR package too (it's in
the packages list too).

> Also I notice the manual claims I need to first log into horde as
> some administrator and then run some configuration stuff. I notice
> I keep getting this error message when trying to go to the horde
> page:
> Warning:
> importconfig(/usr/stripe/home/devin/public_html/utahdjs/test/horde/co
> nfig/../imp/config/conf.php)[function.importconfig]: failed to create
> stream: No such file or directory in
> /usr/stripe/home/devin/public_html/utahdjs/test/horde/lib/Registry.php
> on line 627
> Any ideas?

I'm blank there, but fix the rest, and that might help you. 

Best regards

Klavs Klavsen.dk - http://vsen.dk

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