[imp] imapproxy v1.0 released.

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Tue Dec 3 22:39:20 2002

Quoting "Stephen A. Cochran" <stephen.a.cochran.lists@cahir.net>:

> I haven't seen any followups to this on the list, how has it panned out
> over time?

Please join the imapproxy list and discuss it there.  Not that there have
been any follow ups there either ;)

I'm still using it in a test mode.  Had some problems, but when I tried to
debug them via recompiling the binary they went away, so it may have been 
a bad build.

Been working without problem for several weeks, but only in test mode.  That
means only about 3 users, but I'm one of those users and I use it very 
> Also, doesn't seem like it would be useful for any site using SSL to
> secure passwords...

Nope, probably not, at least not without changes.  I'm using it via the
loopback interface on a single machine with no logins, so I'm not real

> Steve Cochran
> Dartmouth College

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

Why get even? Get odd!

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