[imp] hordeprefs index for using LDAP Prefs Backend

Brian Clark bclark at protocolusa.com
Mon Dec 9 17:05:28 PST 2002

One more thing, it seems very illogical that this "Undefined index" 
error would have anything to do with LDAP. Indices in LDAP are strictly 
on the LDAP backend, not directly accessible via an application like 
IMP. They are used like any other database index to increase the speed 
of the database. They should impact functionality, just speed. So I 
really don't understand where this message is coming from. Could it be a 
PHP coding error?


Brian Clark wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to get the LDAP Prefs backend working. I keep getting this 
> index related error:
> Warning: Undefined index: hordeprefs in 
> /var/www/html/horde/lib/Prefs/ldap.php on line 323
> I assume that I need an LDAP index for hordeprefs. However, I have 
> seen nothing in any documentation, or on this mailing list, that says 
> that I need this. I am familiar with adding indexes to LDAP, but I was 
> simply unaware that one was needed. Also, I would appreciate a 
> suggestion as to what type of index is necessary, such as eq, pres, or 
> whatever.
> Brian!

Brian Clark
Vice President, Corporate Technology
Protocol Communications, Inc.
1751 Lake Cook Rd. Suite 400
Deerfield, Illinois 60015
T 847-236-3414
F 847-236-3401

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