HORDE [emergency] [imp] DB Error: insufficient permissions

Charly Root root at papendorf-se.de
Fri Dec 13 10:25:12 PST 2002

I think this is probably because the default horde prefs use 'hordemgr' as 
username but the mysql_create.sql uses 'horde', the mysql_create.sql should 
look something like this:

REPLACE INTO user (host, user, password)
    VALUES (
  -- IMPORTANT: Change this password!

REPLACE INTO db (host, db, user, select_priv, insert_priv, update_priv,
                 delete_priv, create_priv, drop_priv)
    VALUES (
        'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y',
        'Y', 'Y'


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