[imp] IMP 3.1 / user@domain.ext on virtual domains

John Dow m00n-light at lycos.com
Wed Dec 18 00:17:42 PST 2002

I'm using IMP 3.1 and Horde 2.0 for some time now with Qmail, Courier-Imap & Vpopmail.

I have two questions about IMP & virtual domains.

In order to login I need to enter full email adres (user@domain.ext). I would like to just enter user and select domain from the server list.

I checked the lists and found other users with the same problem. However, I couldn't find working solutions for this...

Another thing is when sending mail the header will contain a string like user@domain.ext@maildomain.ext, is it possible to change this as well?

Is there anyone here who has found something to solve this (little) issues?

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