[imp] IMP 3.1 / user@domain.ext on virtual domains
eculp at encontacto.net
eculp at encontacto.net
Tue Dec 17 19:03:27 PST 2002
Quoting Tobias Eigen <tobias@kabissa.org>:
| Hi Ed,
| Thanks for the (quick!) reply. I'm not sure if I am using "virtual domains"
| as
| you describe, but I thought I was. Can you tell me how to find out?
To login to your imap or pop3 server your user will have include the domain.
Your users probably don't have systems accounts on your server.
| I'm using IMAP to authenticate, and IMP for HORDE authentication.
| There is but one way into IMP at the moment: http://webmail2.kabissa.org
| When it's ready, I want to move this to http://webmail.kabissa.org
| My understanding, with my limited coding capability, of the vinfo hook is
| that
| it uses the $HTTP_HOST variable to get the domain name - what I actually
| want
| is for users to specify the domain name when they log in - ie. instead
| of 'username' they type in 'username@domain.com'.
That is the default operation for virtual domains in courier, AFAIK. It
sounds like your users have systems accounts.
| The server name would then
| always be localhost (they can't choose).
I would assume that you only have one machine for imap, is that correct?
If it is just use localhost in horde/imp/servers.php.
| Is there a way to use the hook for
| this purpose?
I'm not sure if I understand why. You are only using one server you can set
it to localhost no matter what the virtual domain is. It would appear that you
need to configure courier-imap for virtual hosts, select a backend, and then
use hooks to facilitate login for your users. [ tobias rather than
tobias@kabissa.org ]
I'm sorry but I am afraid I may not be understanding what you want to do
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