[imp] load balancing / temporary files..

robert sand rsand at d.umn.edu
Wed Dec 18 08:38:31 PST 2002

In the round robin dns setup once you get on a server you stay on that server 
therfore your aspell files will be on the server you are on at all times.  It is 
not a true load balance were all processes are shared over a number of servers 
but it tries to spread users over many servers.  The thinking is that if all 
users use the service the same way one user is the same as any other and would 
not overload a server with any more processes than any other user.

Liam Hoekenga wrote:

>>From what I've read, it sounds like using a SQL based session manager, and
> using VFS to store uploaded files are two useful things in trying to
> spread the load across a pool of servers.  I'm curious, though, what about
> the temp files that aspell (and the other helper apps) create?  I'm most
> concerned about aspell... but what if a user gets bounced to a new server
> in the middle of spell checking a message?
> Liam

Robert Sand.
University of Minnesota, Duluth
Information Technology Systems and Services
144 MWAH
218-726-6122        fax 218-726-7674

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  Walk beside me and we walk together"  UTE Tribal proverb.

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