[imp] Various CVS issues

grp at med.uoc.gr grp at med.uoc.gr
Sun Dec 22 21:48:49 PST 2002

> You need to compile the PHP cgi binary! Leave out the --with-apxs or
> --with-apache from the configure options and add --enable-force-cgi-redirect
> to
> the configure options and compile again. You can also use PHP-4.3.0RC4,
> which
> builds the library and the PHP cgi binary at the same time.

I see. Thanks. And, do you mean that if I use PHP-4.3 I don't have to include 
the option you mentioned above? In my initial compile I included --with-apxs. 
Finally, have you got a clue about the authentication failure I mentioned in 
my initial post? Does it have anything to do with the pear issues we've been 
talking about?

Sorry for the persistence

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