[imp] Various CVS issues

grp at med.uoc.gr grp at med.uoc.gr
Mon Dec 23 01:34:03 PST 2002

> Is your authentication backend working ok? I use imap for authentication.
> Configuration of the imapserver ok? (/horde/imp/config/servers.php)

It seems we've run in a confusion here :-)) Sorry for not being clear enough. 
I haven't tried to edit the above file yet. This is because I was only trying 
to log in to Horde (not IMP) having included myself in horde/conf/conf.php to 
have administrative rights, because I found out in this mailing list that it 
is the only way to derive conf.php from conf.xml. Obviously what you mention 
above is the next step after I create conf.php. At the moment all I am trying 
to do is to create conf.php from conf.xml :-)))

Hope I am clear now...

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