[imp] Is there a way to convert my filter rulez back?

Hans de Groot imp at dandy.nl
Mon Dec 23 11:08:02 PST 2002


After spending months on trying to figureout how to get attachments to work with
imp cvs. (I got other php programs to work with the c-client en the new php but
imp simply refuses to work and I seem to be the only one with the problem) I
moved back to imp 3.1

This was a project on itself but now it's running again and attachments work here. 
Only the filters are lost, I also lost them when I upgraded to the cvs imp. When
I look in the mysql database the prefs data for the filters looks the same but
it looks complicated so I cannot figureout the difference and how to possibly
convert them back again. 

Does anyone have any hints how to do this or what I should look for?



Hans de Groot

ps the main reason I upgraded was the "page cannot be displayed error" in imp3.1 
I read something about kronoklith being responsible? is there any news about
this? or maybe something to do with max memory usage in php? 

I tried many other webmail programs but none aproach imp. The way it works and
the features available.

An rpm version of php (like for the imp 3) would be a great help I guess for
people with problems installing it. 


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