[imp] Help with SMIME

Cliff Green green at UMDNJ.EDU
Sat Jan 4 14:53:00 PST 2003

Quoting Sebastian Calero Laguia <scalero at datadec.es>:

> I am testing Horde, IMP and Turba 02/01/2003 Nightly Snapshot, concretely
> the SMIME stuff and I have this initial problems:
> - I have a Verisign Certificate in my Outlook Exress and I would like to
> export it to IMP. I have a PKCS7 file(.p7b) with the Public Key(the result
> of the Verisign Certificate export in Outlook), I am working with https and
> I go to "Preferences ---> SMIME ---> Import Keypair" and when I select the
> file nothing happens. Do I go in the correct way?

At this point, you'll need your cert and key in PEM format.  Openssl is your
friend.  Export your cert and private key from Internet
Tools|Content|Certificates to a pfx file (MS' version of a pkcs12 file), then
run 'openssl pkcs12 -in <your pkcs12 file> -out <an output filename>'.

The output file will have your private key, your cert, and any signing certs in
your chain, all in PEM format, plus some text information about your data (bag
attributes, key attributes, subject, issuer, etc.).  You can then copy and paste
from there to the input screens in imp.

> - When I send a signed mail to my IMP account, IMP detects it but when I am
> going to import the Public Key to Turba appears this in my Apache error_log:
>            /u01/hosting/mymensajes/horde/imp/lib/SMIME.php(191) : Notice -
> Undefined index:  Email

Something's not configured correctly.  At a guess, you could check

> - There is any good HOWTO/TUTORIAL for "Create and Manage Certificates with

Not yet.  You should be getting some info flowing your way by now - why don't
you collect it and submit it?

Cliff Green
Academic Computing Services - UMDNJ
Signature under NDA

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