[imp] error accessing addressbook!

Eric Rostetter eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu
Thu Jan 9 18:00:30 PST 2003

Quoting "S.P.Vimala" <vimala at ncb.ernet.in>:

>           I am able to login through /horde/truba page but not able add,
> browse  etc. It gives me an error of failed to connect to the specified
> directory (OR) failed to access the sepcified address book error.

Either it can't connect to the directory (sql, ldap, etc), or you haven't
set a defaul directory for yourself (in your preferences/options).
>           Can anybody tell me how to debug. The whole stuff is with the
> recent RPM for RH8.

First, you need to tell us more.  What kind of directory (sql, ldap, etc)?
Any error messages in the system/php/sql/ldap log files?  What is the
first directory in your sources.php file?  What versions of Horde/IMP/Turba
are you running?

You really didn't provide enough info to help much.

Also, there is a turba mailing list -- you should sign up for it
(http://lists.horde.org/) and ask your turba questions there.
> -vimala/.

Eric Rostetter
The Department of Physics
The University of Texas at Austin

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