[imp] Some comments on user-friendlyness of imp/horde.

Ted Cabeen secabeen at pobox.com
Tue Jan 21 09:52:08 PST 2003

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Here are some recent suggestions from our users concerning making IMP easier 
to use.  All of these suggestions reference IMP 3.1.

1)  When there is no Full Name entered for the selected identity, imp should
not put quotes (quoting nothing) in the From and To headers of outgoing mail.
It should instead just list the email address itself.  

2) When there is a Full Name entered for a user identity, and you are sending
an email using that identity, the "Identity" field in the Message Composition
window should include the Real Name in the identity.  Alternatively (and much
better logically), there should be a From line to the Message Composition
window showing how the From header will look when the email is sent.

3) The edit identities page is slightly nonintuitive.  The button at the
bottom changing from CREATE to CHANGE is not obvious.  Perhaps imp 
should default to presenting the settings for the Default Identity when that 
page comes up, and instead have a link or button that allows you to add an 
additional identity.  Since the majority of users don't use multiple 
identities, we should make it easier to change the settings of the Default 
Identity than it is to create a new identity.

I can try to write patches for these myself, but I don't know the code that 
well, so the 2nd and 3rd may be beyond my ability to do well. 

- -- 
Ted Cabeen           http://www.pobox.com/~secabeen            ted at impulse.net 
Check Website or Keyserver for PGP/GPG Key BA0349D2         secabeen at pobox.com
"I have taken all knowledge to be my province." -F. Bacon  secabeen at cabeen.org
"Human kind cannot bear very much reality."-T.S.Eliot        cabeen at netcom.com

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