[imp] drop down server list

Matthew Zonderop Matthew.Zonderop at boppoly.ac.nz
Tue Jan 28 12:40:44 PST 2003

Hi all
I am having trouble getting the drop down server list box to work...here is
a copy of my servers.php. on another note if I comment out the first
$server['prompt...i get errors, why is there 2 entries here.

What is the other file I need to configure to get the drop down list to

$servers['_prompt'] = array(
    'name' => 'Choose a mail server:'
$servers['_prompt'] = array(
    'name' => 'Choose a mail server:'
$servers['imap'] = array(
    'name' => 'IMAP Server',
    'server' => 'boppwebmail',
    'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
    'port' => 143,
    'folders' => 'mail/',
    'namespace' => '',
    'maildomain' => 'bopppoly',
    'smtphost' => 'palantir',
    'realm' => 'boppoly',
    'preferred' => ''

$servers['cyrus'] = array(
    'name' => 'Cyrus IMAP Server',
    'server' => 'cyrus.example.com',
    'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
    'port' => 143,
    'folders' => '',
   'namespace' => 'INBOX.',
   'maildomain' => 'example.com',
    'realm' => 'example.com',
    'preferred' => ''

$servers['pop'] = array(
    'name' => 'POP3 Server',
    'server' => 'palantir.boppoly.ac.nz',
    'protocol' => 'pop3',
    'port' => 110,
    'folders' => '',
    'namespace' => '',
    'maildomain' => 'boppoly.ac.nz',
    'realm' => 'boppoly.ac.nz',
    'preferred' => ''


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