[imp] Q: remote login
Didi Rieder
adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at
Fri Feb 7 13:08:35 PST 2003
We have a portal located on another server than Imp. Our users authenticate to
this portal and they have a link which opens Imp on the webmail server.
Now, when a user clicks this link, the portal server writes username, password,
realm, a random id, the clients IP-address and the current timestamp into a
special table in the horde-db. Then it redirects the user to the webmail-server
with a url like:
in redirect.php I check if $_GET["callid"] is set and retirve the username,
password and realm form my table and delete the entry.
then I set $imapuser, $pass and $realm to the retrieved values and the user is
logged in to Imp.
So far, so good, but if then the user logs out from Imp after having done his
mailing and after a while tries to login via the same way (link from the
portal), he can't authenticate anymore.
IMP_Session::createSession from redirect.php returns true but
$_SESSION['imp']['stream'] from imp/kib/IMP.php on line 153 is false.
I couldn't figure out how to solve this Problem. It will work only if the user
restarts his browser.
Thanks for any hint
Didi Rieder
adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at
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