[imp] More problems in prefs...

Lic. Rodolfo Gonzalez Gonzalez rodolfo at equinoxe.g-networks.net
Fri Feb 7 12:13:16 PST 2003


I'm still having problems while entering IMP (latest stable + latest
stable Horde). I'm getting this error:

http HORDE[15941]: [imp] DB Error: connect failed:  [nativecode=Link to
server lost, unable to reconnect] ** Array [on line 108 of

The DBM is MySQL (latest stable), running in another box (connected thru a
switch). I know it's working, and it has practically no load. What could
be cauising this error?. Some days ago I reported something similar with
Prefs code. If you need more of my configuration, just let me know.

Any help would be greately appreciated.

Thanks in advanced,

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